3D Baseline Seismics Ketzin
At Ketzin, GFZ and its national and international partners are operating the first European onshore pilot site for the geological storage of CO2 in a deep saline aquifer. The storage formation consists of sand stone units within the Stuttgart Formation at about 650 m below the surface. CO2 storage has been running from June 2008. Before drilling the injection well and two observation wells, a baseline 3D survey was acquired in Autumn 2005. The acquisition was performed on an area of about 14 square kilometres, subdivided into 41 templates. One template was set up by 5 geophone lines (48 receiver points on each line) and twelve shotpoint lines (about 15 shotpoints per line).
Data format: SEG-Y, acquisition geometry is written into the trace headers.
For research pursues only this dataset is available upon request. Please contact slueth ∂does-not-exist.gfz-potsdam de .
For initial tests it is advised to use small sub-sets of the data (few shot gathers within one template).