Software library
The Software library is a collection of software descriptions coming along with download links. It contains software suites for full waveform inversion as well as tools required in the context of such applications. This covers waveform filters, data and model visualization and seismogram simulation. At the download locations program source code is provided usually such that you are able to build your own tools on the basis of existing software. If you do so, you are welcome to contribute improvements and extensions to existing programs in return. Certainly you are invited to provide your own independent code too. Do not hesitate to contact webmaster ∂does-not-exist.opentoast de or one of the maintainers.
The OpenTOAST initiative pursues the goal to share software, knowledge, contacts, and data with others, publicly and free of charge. Program code shall be published under a proper license for free and open-source software (like the GPL ).
The software library is divided in following sections:
Forware modelling code
This section primarily contains program code for the simulation of seismic waveforms in different settings. Highly efficient implementations for seismic wave propagation in 1D structures are provided as well as computationally demanding numerical solvers for full 3D heterogeneity. Simulation tools of other data (e.g. travel-times or surface wave dispersion) useful in the context of seismic full waveform inversion are welcome too.
Waveform inversion code
This section presents program code for seismic full waveform inversion. Efficient implementations of the adjoint inversion approach are provided as well as code for the calculation of full waveform kernels in 3D. Further, global search algorithms are provided for application settings with small parameter space (i.e. for 1D structures). -
Data analysis code and waveform filters
Field data commonly must be prepared before being suitable for full waveform inversion. Frequency filters must be applied, traces of field data have to be selected, or for 2D inversion, a line-source simulation should be applied prior to waveform inversion. This section contains programs for field data pre-processing, waveform filters and basic analysis tools (travel-time inversion, dispersion analysis) used in the preparation of initial models -
Data and model visualization
Waveform visualization is an essential step to asses the quality of field data and their fitness for waveform inversion. In the course of inversion it is mandatory to supervise the waveform residuals visually. And the task of displaying 3D inversion results is challenging. This section of the library contains various tools required to satisfy these needs.